Vol. 16, Issue 1

Introducing Our Contractor

Mark Bontrager

We are thrilled to announce a significant milestone in the realization of our vision at Haven of Hope Ministry. As we embark on the journey to expand our facilities to better serve our community, we are delighted to introduce our contractor, Mark Bontrager, and his family.

Mark, his wife Emalee, and their four children recently relocated to our area from Howe, Indiana. Their arrival marks a pivotal moment for our ministry as we prepare to break ground on our new building project.

Construction is set to commence in just three weeks, and we couldn't be more excited about the progress. This new facility will enable us to accommodate more mentors, extend our reach to help more individuals, and provide a space for conferences and other community events that foster growth, support, and healing.

We want to express our deepest gratitude to all of our donors who have generously supported us thus far. Your contributions have brought us closer to our goal. If you haven't had the chance to donate yet, there is still time to be a part of this incredible endeavor.

We welcome donations in various forms, including materials and skilled or unskilled labor to assist with the construction process. All gifts in kind will be officially receipted, and every contribution, no matter how big or small, makes a difference.

For those interested in contributing or learning more about how you can help, please don't hesitate to reach out to Mark Bontrager directly at (574) 364-0204. Your support is invaluable in making the vision a reality.

Thank you for your unwavering commitment to Haven of Hope Ministry and the individuals we serve. We look forward to creating a brighter future for our community.

Warm regards,

 -Steve Swartz

HOH Director

Recapping Our Winter 2023-2024 Retreat Season

As another Two Hearts One Flame Marriage Retreat season comes to a close, we celebrate God’s goodness over the past six months.  In November, our team traveled to Lititz, Pennsylvania where we met with 24 couples at Hammer Creek Mennonite Church.  In February, we were once again in Pennsylvania, with 36 couples at Parkview Mennonite Church in Reamstown.  The season concluded with 42 couples at the Trinity Fellowship retreat in Newaygo, Michigan. 

Guest speakers from Door of Hope Ministry and Melei Ministry joined the HOH staff to teach, mentor, and care for attendees.  Concepts of emotional connection and conflict resolution were shared, as well as, times of fun, food, and fellowship. 

Here are a few of the attendee comments:

· We realized that the “small” things affected our relationship more than  we understood.

· Childhood trauma makes it difficult for me to be emotionally vulnerable, but the weekend gave me tools to feel safe connecting with my husband.

· I loved the hospitality and warmth of the whole weekend!  There was excellent content and clarity regarding the tools to use for emotional connection.

· It was wonderful to have the time away from distractions to focus on each other and our relationship.

· I was touched by the speakers’ compassionate hearts.

· The heart to heart conversations were impactful in helping us understand each other’s pain.

Forever Changed: A Story of Restoration and Hope

Caleb & Marianna Frost

Marianna and I loved each other deeply, but we were struggling to communicate and reach each other’s hearts.  Again and again, we would step on each other’s pain and get stuck in a crazy cycle. We didn’t realize what we were missing.  We had no idea how to get through to one another and to connect to care.

We heard about Haven of Hope when Marianna’s parents attended a Two Hearts One Flame marriage retreat, and we were able to attend premarital mentoring at Haven of Hope in the winter of 2022.  During our mentoring time, painful issues were addressed.  Our mentor patiently showed us again and again how our wrong reactions to our pain were triggering  each other’s pain points.  We learned to bring our past pain into the room of grace where we could receive Christ’s healing together. 

In our sessions, we learned to use the Journey of My Heart tool, and we came to realize how the crazy cycles work.  We worked through bitterness and unforgiveness.  Our mentor also walked with us back to some of the darkest moments of our lives.  He helped us see that Jesus was there all along, and together we were able to receive His love in those painful places. 

As a married couple, each day has its challenges, and we still take a spin or two on the crazy cycle.  However, now we can identify the problem.  Together we are learning to better understand and care for each other’s hearts. 

Without the healing we received at Haven of Hope, our marriage was headed for shipwreck.  God has used Haven of Hope in our lives to help us glorify Him.  It’s wonderful to now share these tools with other couples in our extended family and community. 

—Caleb Frost 

Connection Groups-

Building Better Relationships, One Couple at a Time

Wanting to find community after mentoring?  The Building Blocks for Relationships (BBFR) Connection Groups program may be what you are looking for!  Joining a group near you is simple. 


Vol. 16, Issue 2