Restoration Stories

“He was there, Jesus was there!”

“It was like the Lord was holding us together, you just felt it. We know that if it wasn’t for coming here, our family would have been broken and we would have made a different cycle for our children. Always have hope.” - Brian & Theresa

“It was a powerful call to healing.”


“To have the resources at Haven of Hope and all of those conversations and prayers to help us realize, this is how you craft a new story and God is at the center of it.” - Nadia

“There is a freedom that I cannot explain.”

Where I am now is no comparison to what it was back then because there is nothing to prove, nothing to hide, and nothing to lose. I want to grow old with my wife and be a happy couple.” - Norman

“It was the first time in 30 years I had hope

for our marriage. I walked out of there with so much hope that we could make it.” - Jeff

“The Lord opened up my eyes to my heart issues that were creating the divide between us.” - Meryl

“I had no idea what to expect but I wanted God to do something.”

About midweek, when we got pretty deep, I found out I had a heart. And I didn’t know that existed!” - Bob

“A new creation was born that day.

There is a place for brokenness - and for healing.”


“Coming to HOH that burden has lifted.

I was able to see the pain, go to Jesus with the pain, understand the cycles… and the healing began.”