Partner with Us

Join hands with us as we reach out to offer compassionate restoration to marriages in crisis.

At Haven of Hope, our goal is to bring healing to hearts, restoration to broken relationships, and hope to those who feel lost.

First, will you partner with us in prayer? Just as Aaron and Hur held Moses’ arms up during the battle with the Amalekites, (Ex. 17:8-16) we need those who will stand with us in this battle to reclaim marriages for the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. Would you commit to holding this ministry up in prayer?

“Faith may move mountains, but prayer moves God.” —Joni Eareckson Tada

Next, will you partner with us through giving?  While most marriage ministries charge upwards of $4,000-$8,000 a week, HOH provides our mentoring at no charge. Our desire is that cost will never prohibit those who are hurting and in need of help. Your generosity helps to relieve the burden of general operating expenses at Haven of Hope and allows us to continue to offer mentoring services free of charge.

-Yes, I will touch a life with my one-time gift.

-Yes, I will be a Hope Giver with my monthly gift.

-Yes, I will invest in the future with my gift toward the building fund.

Would you like more information about Harvest of Hope? Click here

Our Past

For over 20 years, Haven of Hope has been a refuge for hurting couples and individuals seeking emotional connection and healing. Founded in 2003 by Steve and April Swarts, Haven of Hope started in a small office in rural West Michigan. HOH has now grown into a multi-faceted ministry covering marriage and premarital mentoring, connection groups, and marriage retreats. Since opening its doors, Haven of Hope has seen over 700 couples, with over 200 of those being engaged couples.

Our Future

As we look toward the next 20 years, Haven of Hope desires to expand care for even more hurting couples. With this vision for the future, we have begun work on a new facility that will house even more mentors and staff, as well as provide space for small groups and larger events. Would you consider partnering with us in our “Harvest of Hope” campaign? Each gift given takes us one step closer to reaping a harvest.

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